Angelo Coppola
Angelo Coppola runs his own PR shop (Channel Managed PR), when not looking for something worthwhile to champion. He specialises in tactical content, media liaison & strategic and tactical PR. He's an ex-financial journalist. Email him at az.oc.rpmlennahc@olegna, follow him on Twitter at @angelo2711 and read his musings at www.posterous.com/angelo2711.

Whitewashing the news?
Angelo Coppola 30 Aug 2011

Ethics? What ethics?
Angelo Coppola 13 May 2011

![[2011 trends] SA PR needs to lose cottage industry perception](https://biz-file.com/c/1101/64534-240x130.jpg)

Spin doctors, CEOs and snipers
Angelo Coppola 2 Nov 2010

PR is evolving
Angelo Coppola 21 Oct 2010

Beware of the survey of one
Angelo Coppola 29 Jul 2010