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Mesh Trade Press Office is an institution-grade, multi-sided financial markets platform that facilitates trade in real-world financial assets on the blockchain, working towards a future where capital markets are easy to access, simple to use, and transparent.
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Tokenised ETFs offer attractive investment options
As South Africa continues to navigate uncertain economic and political conditions, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can offer attractive solutions for investors looking for flexibility, diversification, and risk mitigation. 26 Jun 2024 Read more

Blockchain vs Crypto
The terms Blockchain and Bitcoin are often (wrongly) used interchangeably – even by savvy and sophisticated investors. But while the two are related, there’s a world of difference between cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. That difference lies at the heart of what we do at Mesh. 25 Jun 2024 Read more pioneers 'smart assets' a new frontier in capital markets
Financial markets all around the world are undergoing dynamic and fundamental shifts to adapt to macroeconomic changes and the rapid proliferation of technology. This dynamic evolution is proof that we have well and truly entered the era of Finance 3.0, says co-founder and managing director Connie Bloem. 6 Mar 2024 Read more

Tokenisation 101: A whole new world of investment opportunities, and why it matters
The tokenisation of real-world assets (RWA) is exploding in the finance world and the combined value of tokenised financial assets is predicted to approach $16.1tn by 2030. Luisa Mazinter, chief growth officer of explains how tokenisation makes it possible to trade directly on the blockchain via platforms like Mesh. 22 Jan 2024 Read more

Finding Like Minds
One of the periodic pleasures of building a company based on an expansive vision of the future is occasionally coming across others who see the same things through their telescopes as we do. 14 Aug 2023 Read more

All signs point to the emancipation of capital markets
Co-founder and Managing Director of, Connie Bloem says the time for the emancipation of capital markets and ushering in the future of investing has arrived. 23 Jul 2023 Read more

Viva the (responsible and careful) revolution in financial markets
A responsible revolution is needed after unfettered bravado, poor business controls and lack of transparency saw FTX centralised exchange fail. 22 Nov 2022 Read more

A trading platform for any South African
A new trading platform hoping to get more South Africans into the world of investing is the focus in this edition of the Business Day Spotlight. 29 Aug 2022 Read more

Netherlands-based blockchain firm sets up SA shop
Netherlands-based fintech firm Mesh.Trade has established a presence in South Africa, and is looking to shake-up the local capital markets using blockchain technology. 11 Aug 2022 Read more

Blockchain? It's simpler than you think
The exchange of products, such as cash for securities, can be a complex trust arrangement and requires the help of an intermediary. For example, when you buy a home, lawyers operate as the middlemen to ensure nobody gets conned. Escrow accounts also fall into this definition. 22 Jun 2020 Read more

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