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Is This Day going to bring their irresponsible journalism to South Africa?

After the newspaper triggered bloody riots in Nigeria over the Miss World contest the question begs asking - What kind of national newspaper is This Day going to introduce to South Africa early next year? 24 Nov 2002

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Is transformation happening?

The second transformation hearings ended recently. CDF chairman Ross Chowles recommended quotas. Media planners are under-invested against Black, Coloured and Indian media by 23%. ACA member agencies have 20,4% black professional/management. Is transformation happening? What should be done to improve it? 19 Nov 2002

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How did Robinson place his order for Cell C?

The Cell C ad with the diver delivering a package to a Robinson Crusoe-esque figure on a raft puzzles me more than the other Cell C ads thus far. 18 Nov 2002

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The clothes off my back...

I found the gold at the end of the rainbow, then realised that's not where the view is... 14 Nov 2002

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Lays TV Commercial - Francois Pienaar

I think Lays have blown it with their latest ' birthday' commercial featuring Francois Pienaar. Clearly it is definitely a case of no more 'mister nice guy' in the worst possible sense. 6 Nov 2002

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The Stannic bus shelter ad

"In the land of the bus shelter the man with a car is king" - am I the only person who finds this advert on bus shelters offensive and patronising? 30 Oct 2002

Linde Forklift Advert

Why should a forklift company advertise during the Grand Prix, who buys forklifts? 30 Oct 2002

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Creativity or Good Business

Which is more important - protecting one's creativity, or basing work on business principles which make money for the client? 24 Oct 2002

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How does one stop unwanted and unsolicited mail (spam) in the RSA?

Certain advertising companies tend to send you advertising matter without one's permission. Can I write to them instructing them to stop. What are my rights in this regard? 15 Oct 2002

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The caricature of coloured people in the media

i think coloured people are ridiculed in the national media all the time and no cock crows... 10 Oct 2002

Emerging online technology's impact on PR

What do other public relations practitioners/experts say about the impact of online technology in our career and our companies we are working for? 30 Sep 2002

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How should South Africa market itself?

The International Marketing Council (IMC) has had great success in branding and marketing South Africa and their latest project,, launched recently. Here is your chance to contribute: What should SA's image be, how can we improve it and how should we market ourselves? 26 Sep 2002

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How to break out of the catch-22 log jam of how to gain experience, when you do not have the experience needed to gain experience! 24 Sep 2002

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Ego/Axe versus Status

Most of you are probably aware of the campaign used by Status deodorant (agency:TBWA Hunt Lascaris) to gain mileage out of Ego's rebranding as Axe (agency:Lowe Bull Calvert Pace). If not, here's background info by Financial Mail and a related comment by Dave Lehr. Now that the dust seems to be settling, there are a few issues worthy of discussion:

  • Has the Ego/Axe rebranding campaign been successful and will they retain their loyal customers?
  • Has Status gained market share through their tactics or were the ads too cryptic?
  • Should ads be allowed to get away with "ambush marketing" or should the ASA have the right to award costs - as in a court of law? Let's learn from this and try and fix the system, or is it not broken? 14 Aug 2002

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    Is a Masters Degree recognised in the Corporate Communications industry?

    I have always been under the impression that one’s academic qualification forms a prominent part of your marketability. 26 Jun 2002

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    Agency remuneration

    We devalue our work and our credibilty when we offer to do creative or strategic work for nothing in order to win business. It seems to suggest we have no confidence in our ability and are happy to give our expertise away. 10 May 2002

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    Can you make it in this industry in this day and age without formal, expensive education?

    bustin mah proverbial balls to get into this industry and seem to have a head for 'concept' - how do i sell this - and not having the cash to study properly so i can say something like 'er, i'm an art director...' what are the chances really of me getting ahead? anyone got input? 20 Feb 2002

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    Is the IMM graduate diploma in Marketing sought after in the market?

    What do you think of the IMM graduate diploma in Marketing? Is it sought after in the market? 28 Jan 2002

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    Racism and Transformation

    Parliamentary public hearings on racism and transformation was held on 6-7 November 2001. 15 Dec 2001

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    Anti Crime campaign ideas

    SA has the second highest murder rate in the world. Speakout 15 Dec 2001

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    Road Safety campaign ideas

    SA has one of the world’s highest road deaths. MRC 15 Dec 2001

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    Anti Rape campaign ideas

    SA has the highest per capita rate of reported rape in the world. Rape Crisis 15 Dec 2001

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    AIDS Awareness campaign ideas

  • AIDS was responsible for 25% of deaths among South Africans in 2000. MRC
  • SA has more HIV-positive individuals than any other country in the world. Speakout 15 Dec 2001

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