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Forums Zambia

Has 5fm chosen the right target group?

Recent changes in the 5fm radio station has caused major changes in the pattens of demographic groups - is their positioning correct?

Talking with many people in that demographic they don't listen to 5fm, due to the change of target markets. The main focus of 5fm is to accommodate the younger generation, but what will the effect be in 5 years' time? Could this have an adverse effect on the radio station?

Ed: This forum initially listed the 5FM demographics incorrectly. John Langford, 5FM Station Manager, has subsequently clarified 5FM's position. "We deliver a broad audience mostly aged between 20 and 29 (twenty-something), although beyond these boundaries on either side many consumers feel that they are 'cool' enough to listen. In reality, age is a mindset - you're only as young as the music you feel. Successfully marketing a radio station like 5fm requires a comprehensive understanding of audience needs and music preferences. We've spent the better part of the last four years researching and talking to young-adult South African's in order to ensure that we deliver quality audiences to advertisers, i.e. cosmopolitan listeners with high levels of disposable income. To do this requires that we TARGET a certain profile of consumer - let's call them the 'ideal' 5fm listener. This person is neither male nor female, neither black nor white, but a South African in his/her early-mid twenties who doesn't want to be pigeon-holed. He/she is successful, funky, fun, irreverent, and in touch with other like minded individuals who share the common bond of GREAT music."

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