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TV slots and dodgy advertising

What must be arguably THE WORST ad on TV at the moment!! There is an ad that I have seen a few times now on the telly. It is for some funny sweet manufacturer and involves two minutes or so of a kid dressed up as a ringmaster droning on about various examples of sweets.

All this takes place while young children "gymnasts" do slow motion cartwheels and things in the background.

I last saw this ad at 9:30pm one evening on SABC3. Surely this is fairly prime time TV space? How can this ad do justice to the amount of time it takes up when it is clearly the worst advert ever to flight on TV. And for those of us who have seen it, at a time when most children are asleep, I can guarantee it does not compel me, an adult, in any way, shape or form, to go anywhere near these sweets at all!!

If I were the client behind this ad, I would most certainly sue for irretrievable damage to my brand credibility and for misappropriation of funds.

Any comments Bizcommunity??

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