Biofuel: How new microalgae technologies can hasten the end of our reliance on oilCallum Russell 29 Mar 2022
How Africa can adopt renewable energy on a massive scale and save billions along the wayKenneth Engblom 15 Mar 2022
An energy revolution is possible - but only if leaders get imaginative about how to fund itMichael Grubb 20 Jan 2022
We mapped every large solar plant on the planet using satellites and machine learningLucas Kruitwagen 2 Nov 2021
#COP26: With funds short, Africans weigh green energy switch and fossil fuel cashKim Harrisberg and Nita Bhalla 2 Nov 2021
Africans call on global community to honour commitment to 'just, inclusive' energy transitionNJ Ayuk 25 Oct 2021
Solar panels on half the world's roofs could meet its entire electricity demand - new researchSiddharth Joshi, James Glynn and Shivika Mittal 12 Oct 2021
China will no longer build overseas coal power plants - what energy projects will it invest in instead?Yixian Sun 4 Oct 2021
Banning fossil fuels in sub-Saharan Africa could slow the transition to renewable energySamuel Ayokunle Olówósejéjé 16 Jul 2021
Solar panels in Sahara could boost renewable energy but damage the global climate - here's whyZhengyao Lu and Benjamin Smith 12 Feb 2021
Grid or solar: looking for the best energy solution for the rural poorJörg Peters and Maximiliane Sievert 30 Dec 2020