The world needs hundreds of thousands more offshore wind turbines - where will they all go?Hugo Putuhena, Fraser Sturt and Susan Gourvenec
Liveable cities rankings: how a global enterprise is influencing urban changeJenny McArthur and Tim Moonen 12 Apr 2019
#DesignIndaba2019: Creating architecture for the African continent for the next 100 yearsLouise Marsland 4 Mar 2019
Many African countries are flooding, risking decades of development if they do not adaptOlalekan Adekola 3 Dec 2018
Some smart ideas to make toilets fit for purpose in Africa's citiesMooyoung Han and Shervin Hashemi 19 Nov 2018
#FairnessFirst: How Africa's digital divide is being diminished, one innovation at a timeLeigh Andrews 19 Nov 2018
Wind turbines aren't quite 'apex predators', but the truth is far more interestingJeroen Minderman 8 Nov 2018