Water access may be more important than electricity for sub-Saharan AfricaLouise Grogan and Tselmuun Tserenkhuu 31 Aug 2018
Climate change will make rice less nutritious, putting millions of the world's poor at riskKristie Ebi 13 Jun 2018
Why foreign investment is no easy fix for Africa's energy needsPhilipp Trotter and Sabah Abdullah 31 May 2018
Millions of urban Africans still don't have electricity: here's what can be doneRebekah Shirley 11 May 2018
Millions of urban Africans still don't have electricity: here's what can be doneRebekah Shirley 23 Apr 2018
Let them eat carp: Fish farms are helping to fight hungerBen Belton, Dave Little & Simon Bush 19 Mar 2018
Special alert: Reduced harvests, intensified food insecurity foreseen for Southern Africa 28 Feb 2018
People in African cities are taking charge of their water supplies - and it's workingEllis Adjei Adams 21 Feb 2018