Donating threads to a common cause

The Icebox recently sent several large boxes of clothing, games and supplies to the Ebenezer Child Care Trust (ECCT), which houses street children in Livingstone, Zambia. The ECCT, whose mission is to provide a loving home environment for orphaned children, distributed the items directly to the children living at the ECCT home in Zambia, where they were accepted with much enthusiasm and gratitude.
"We jumped at the chance to help these kids when we learned that we could make such a big impact in their lives by simply donating some of the things that we produce and take for granted everyday," comments Jordy Gamson, president and CEO of The Icebox.
Through Common Threads, The Icebox is also providing clothing, backpacks, and toys to the children residing at the Wuchuan Social Welfare Institute in the Guangdong Province of China. "I'm very grateful that The Icebox has stepped forward to provide these items to the orphanage. These children have nothing at all to call their own and the orphanage struggles to provide for everyone. With this donation, we will be able to fill some of that need," reports Kelly Marriott, who is coordinating the effort to take the supplies to China this month.
The Icebox provides key organizations with promotional products at no- or low-cost during charitable events. Through Common Threads, the company also donates school supplies to needy children around Atlanta and provides promotional items to the Atlanta Community Food Bank's annual Hunger Walk campaign and the Lance Armstrong Foundation golf tournament. The company's philanthropic spirit is reflected in the enthusiasm of its employees, who are often on hand to lend their assistance at charity events.
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